Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Ten Favorite Myths

On Monday we will be addressing the Ten Favorite Myths as noted in the John MacArthur Bible Commentary. We will look at the myth and reference what the Bible states. The Ten Favorite Myths are:

1. Jesus Christ was only a great moral teacher.
2. There is no evidence that Jesus rose from the dead.
3. Science is in conflict with Christian faith.
4. It doesn't matter what you believe, all religions are basically the same.
5. Christianity is just a crutch for the weak.
6. People become Christians through social conditioning.
7. Christianity stifles personal freedom.
8. Christianity is other-worldly and irrelevant to modern life.
9. The Bible is unreliable and not to be trusted.
10.All the evil and suffering in the world proves there is no God.

Monday we will look at the Bible verses that addresses each myth!

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