Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Devo2Go: Ephesians 1:3-14

We recently completed reading through a One Year New Testament and now are using the 36 day interactive Devo2Go devotional material. Devo2Go is in the movie To Save A Life (which opens in theaters this Friday!)and uses MP3 files which can be downloaded to your computer or Ipod and has a daily passage reading that you follow along with in the Bible and asks some very good thought and discussion questions. For a free sample of Devo2Go you can visit www.devo2go.com and check it out.

Last night we discussed Ephesians 1:3-14 and discussed these really good questions. Read Ephesians 1:3-14 and think about these questions or action items:

1. Write down everything Jesus has to say about you according to this passage.

2. Look at the list you wrote. Imagine God sitting across the table saying these things to you. How do you think you would respond?

3. Before reading the passage, how did you believe God viewed you? In what ways does this scripture affect your view of yourself?

4. How can seeing the "big picture" from God's perspective change your day-to-day life?

5. Go back to the list you wrote for the first question. Choose one statement from the list and write a few sentences thanking God for seeing you this way.

We are currently on day 3 of Devo2Go and like what we have heard so far - check it out!

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