Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Back Before We Look Ahead

Well 2010 is here and another decade has pasted by. Remember at the beginning of the last decade the big craze was "Y2K" and if all the computers were going to crash? Here is some interesting things that happened in the last decade:

The Ipod was introduced in 2001 and now Itunes is the largest seller of music in the world.

The Harry Potter movies were released and the 5 movies brought in revenues of $5.5 billion dollars.

Youtube, Myspace, Twitter and Facebook changed how people "communicate".

Podcasts and blogging came into existence.

3D movies, DVR/Tivo and being able to buy full TV seasons of your favorite show.

The realization that just because we live in the wealthiest nation in the world, we are still open to terrorist attacks and 9/11 will always be remembered.

Have you thought about what this new decade may bring? What are you going to do in 2010? Take some time to not make a New Year's Resolution, but really think about somethings you want to change or improve in your life. Read your Bible more? Maybe finding a relationship with God? Become a bigger part of your church body? Whatever you want to work on you will have your ups and downs - just hang in there and keep going back to working on what you picked and you will do it!

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