You know the person..."it's private"..."I really don't talk about it"..."If I told someone about it they would find out more about me then I want them to know..."
I think we all know people who on Sunday's (for least an hour or so) can talk about Jesus to people in their church, but as soon as they walk out the door, they put a check mark on the "go to church" spot on their agenda and don't talk (and in some cases even think) about Jesus until Sunday rolls around again.
Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit would come and that we were to spread the Gospel to all ends of the earth. Why do some people have a hard time talking about Jesus? If you cannot talk about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit do you really believe deep down that God created everything, that He sent His Son to die on a cross for our sin, and that the Holy Spirit lives in you? I understand someone who states "OK I believe there is a God" but does not go to church, read the Bible regularly or truly understand that it is about relationship and not religion could not speak about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit for lack of knowledge (if you know this person please lead them to a good Bible teaching church).
Our jobs are to share the Good News, the rest is up to God and the person you shared the message with. Josuha 1:9 tells us "Have I not commanded you? Be, strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you were ever you go".
We need to be strong and share the truth.
Then there is my favorite "I do not want to offend anyone if they go to a different church, so I do not talk about it" or "I don't want them to think I am stupid if they are not a believer" and I could go on and on...
Take this test. Go stand in front of a mirror. Ask yourself if you truly believe. If yes, now ask yourself if the world ended tomorrow, and you see two lines - one going to heaven and one going to hell, and then you see your mom, dad, best friend, daughter, son, whoever is close to you, stuck in the line going to hell how are you going to feel? What are you going to say when they shout "Why didn't you tell me?"
The Bible tells us to share the Good News, not to keep it private. Tell someone today won't you?
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