High School Kids. Parties. Drinking. Drugs. Sex. Dysfunctional Families. Suicide. This is not your typical Christian movie. And that is actually why this movie hits home with the teenagers of today.
My wife and I, along with our two daughters had the privilege of attending an advanced screening of the To Save A Life movie last night. The movie will be released in theaters on January 22nd. Both my teenage daughter and I had read the book To Save A Life and both wondered if the movie could live up to the book. Let me just say we were not disappointed (outside of the fact the movie did not include lunch at Cosco, those who have read the book understand what we are referring to…and be honest you have been there and done that…) and the movie was very well done and comes highly recommended.
The actors in the movie (many only teenagers) did an excellent job and exceeded our expectations. I have to admit, when I heard To Save A Life was a Christian movie aimed at teenagers, I wondered if they could make a movie that both Christians and non-Christians could related to, enjoy, and get something out of it. The answer is an astounding yes, yes, and yes!
The movie is centered on Jake and Roger, now High School Seniors who when growing up together where best friends. As Jake grows and becomes a star athlete, he meets the popular girl and becomes part of the “in” crowd during his freshman year of High School, and he no longer hangs with Roger and forgets that Roger evens exists. When no one hears Roger’s cry for help, he takes a gun to school and commits suicide.
Roger’s death impacts Jake, and Jake begins to wonder what life is really all about. Jake thought he was living the life – he had a scholarship to the college of his dreams (Louisville), his girlfriend was the girl all the guys wanted, he attended every party and everyone knew who he was. He was Mr. Popularity.
After Jake returns to the basketball court after Roger’s death and sinks the winning basket, a Youth Pastor (Chris) introduces himself to Jake and gives him his card. During a celebration party, Jake gets drunk, he and his girlfriend (Amy) go too far, and after the police breakup the party, Jake finds that Amy has taken his truck, and he has no way home. Remembering he still had the card the Youth Pastor gave him; Jake calls Chris and tells him he needs a ride home. Jake tells Chris, “I’m not really religious” and is surprised to hear the Youth Pastor say “Good, neither am I”. Jake soon finds out that he and Chris both have very individual regrets about Roger, and both are wondering if they could have did more.
After being invited to come to church the next morning, Jake goes and is amazed at what he sees and hears – this was not his picture of church. He then gets invited to the church Souled Out Youth Group, and meets new friends (people he would never hangout with at school) and enjoys seeing four guys up front who have been challenged by Chris to ‘chug’ a can of Coke…through a sock…and the sock is from the feet of the guy next to them…I am sure this will be played out at Youth Groups across the country!
Jake is offered to keep attending and to get to know God. Jake struggles with knowing half the kids in the Souled Out Youth group are “fake Christians”. Jake decides he will keep “checking out” this God stuff, and it will be his decision on if it is worth it or not.
This movie tackles many of the issues facing our teenagers today. Peer pressure, popularity, suicide, “cutting” and the misconception that fame is what it is all about. I am sure there will be some who state they cannot believe a movie made by Christians contains underage drinking, sex (there are no scenes of sex but it is obvious what takes place), suicide, and girls wearing low cut shirts and so on. I give the creators of the movie and book credit for producing a story that is a very accurate picture of the lives our teenagers are living today. This movie portrays a very accurate picture of life as a High School teenager.
Jake’s world is falling apart around him, and he has a choice to make. Roger’s death, family problems, a situation with Amy and the “in” crowd deserting him leaves Jake knowing he cannot do this on his own and he needs God’s help.
I urge you to see this movie and take as many teenagers as you can with you – both those who know God and especially those who do not. This movie is not about teaching the viewers the Bible, the story of Christ, or painting a picture that once someone comes to a relationship with God all our problems go away. This movie is about real life challenges and coming to a relationship with God.
In summary, I rate this movie 5 stars out of 5 stars and believe this movie will be very popular with Christians and non-Christians alike. This movie also made me appreciate the Youth Pastor at our church even more, and I am thankful for everything that he and the team he leads accomplishes on a regular basis.
To find theaters and showtimes please click on the link below:
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