To Save A Life by Jim and Rachel Britts
This novel is based on the movie releasing January 22nd that I posted on my blog yesterday. After picking up the book today to eventually read and post a book review on this blog, the unthinkable happened.
I started reading, and reading and reading and 315 pages later all I could say was “Wow!”
Without a doubt or hesitation I rate To Save A Life 5 stars out of 5 stars. If you’re a teenager, parent (as I am), or just enjoy reading a well thought out and well paced story, I urge you to pick-up a copy of this book (you may want to pick up a few copies to share with teens or friends to avoid going back to buy more).
First let me start by saying I do not know Jim and Rachel Britts, and quite honestly before researching the novel today I had never heard from them. All I can say is I am glad they took the time to really understand teenagers to write this novel – job well done! I eagerly look forward to the movie, and if the movie is as good as the novel, I believe they will have a hit on their hands that may rival Fireproof.
I do not want to tell you about the novel in great detail to avoid ruining your experience of reading this gem. I will tell you however that you will be drawn into the characters and you will feel like you have come to truly know Jake, Amy, Chris, Doug, Roger, Jonny, Danny, Jake’s parents and all the rest of the characters. Needless to say, the experiences these characters face in this book I believe we can all relate to – either some or all.
This is a great novel for those who are looking for “the right book” to give a teen or anyone who does not know God and/or are dealing with problems in life (and we all have them!). Most books out today are either heavy on God and weak on story, or weak on God and heavy on the story. To Save A Life has the perfect blend for those who do not know God and for those who do. Want a story based on relevant things that our happening in our teenagers life every day? Want a story that touches on popularity in school? Social status? Peer pressure? This is the book for you. I believe every teenager who reads this novel will come away changed for the better and view other teenagers and life in a whole different way.
I have a high school teenage daughter who loves to read and just issued a challenge to her. If after she reads To Save A Life if she cannot say it was one of the best books she has ever read, regardless if it was a Christian book or a Secular book I will pay her $10.00 for her time of reading the book. If she decides it is one of the best books she has ever read, I will owe her nothing. Even though my daughter has probably read nearly 1,000 books, I am very confident I will not be reaching for my wallet anytime soon.
Jim and Rachel – not sure you can top To Save A Life, but I am sure I want you to keep trying…
Click on the title bar (Book Review: To Save A Life) and you will be redirected to Amazon.com or you can find this book at your favorite Christian bookstore.
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