Monday, February 15, 2010

So Many Books, So Little Time

Well the number of books on my shelf waiting to be read has grown. I am currently reading 2 or 3 books and have more to get to which include:

Counterfeit Gods - The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope That Matters by Timothy Keller

When Life is Hard by James Macdonald

One Minute After You Die by Erwin Lutzer

Christ's Glorious Achievements - What Jesus Has Done For You by C. H. Spurgeon

The Top 100 Men of the Bible by Drew Josephs

Leadership as an Identity - by Crawford Loritts Jr.

The Definition of Christianity by John Lennox and David Gooding

Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible by Erwin Lutzer

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

What Ever Happened to Hell? by John Blanchard

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