Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bits and Pieces

With it being Valentine's Day today, the topic of love is in the air. Take time today to reflect on the greatest love of all - God's love. "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son...." for us. I, for one, am very happy God created us with free will and also a way for us to have salvation. Thank you Lord!

Sometimes it is hard to remember that we are God's children and that we are saved based on faith, repentance, and being baptized. Even though there was only one sinless one and we were born into a broken world, I still cringe when I sin but I am forever thankful for God's forgiveness.

I am currently utilizing a "read through the Bible in a year" schedule which has you reading from 4 Books of the Bible each day and must admit after wondering how the schedule was going to work I find that it is working very well for me and I eagerly look forward to the readings each day.

Are you attending church to worship God and have fellowship with other believers? If you have not been to church lately I encourage you to go today. If your church is not changing you, you may want to change your church.

Have a great day today!

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